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Step-by-step Guide to Completing Offers and Daily Surveys



Despite these lengthy directions, cash offers are actually very quick and easy to do. Once you get the hang of doing them, each one will take you 1-2 minutes on average. I just wanted to be as specific and detailed as possible so you could jump right in and successfully complete your first few cash offers without having to do any trial-and-error to see what works.

1. Click on the ˇ°Membersˇ± button located at the top of the page. A list of offers will appear. Show and sort the offers however you wish. I recommend sorting them by ˇ°Ratingˇ± at first, as high-rated offers will be more likely to reliably credit you.
2. Select an offer.
3. A window will appear for the offer that you have chosen, usually requesting an e-mail address or zip code. Make sure you are giving a valid address, because a few offers require you to click a link which will be e-mailed to you in order to receive credit. You may want to create an e-mail address especially for the offers to avoid getting spam in your main e-mail account. I definitely recommend this! You can make unlimited free e-mail accounts on or or
4. Continue with the offer, giving all information asked for.
5. During the course of the offer, other offers might come up, often asking you to enter your e-mail/address/misc. info again. You don't need to do this - just press SKIP, PASS, NO, CONTINUE, NO THANKS, etc. You NEVER have to sign up for any of these in order to receive credit , so you can say no to everything. Even if you get a window saying, ˇ°You must select on of these great offers,ˇ± you can select one, and will still be given a chance to ˇ°skipˇ± it on the next page.
6. Keep going through these pages. It may seem like they are repeating, or as if they are just taking you in a circle, but there IS an end. Just keep clicking through everything. The first few offers may take you a little while, but don't get discouraged. You will soon be able to do all of this very quickly. In fact, a member recently ran a poll on the CashCrate forum asking other members how long it usually took them to complete an offer. Most people said it took them only 2 minutes!
7. When you reach a ˇ°Thank You!ˇ± or ˇ°Congratulations!ˇ± or ˇ°The prize has been reserved for you!ˇ± OR when you reach a page that says you must complete ˇ°Silver, Gold, and Platinumˇ± offers, you are done! You DO NOT need to do these offers to receive credit from CashCrate . For some offers, a few of the Silver offers will need to be clicked in order to receive credit. If this is the case, it will say ˇ°Register with valid information and complete the survey. Click at least two offers on the ˇ°Final Stepsˇ± page.ˇ± next to the offer's name. There is a lot of confusion about this for new members. Rest assured that you just need to click them, let them load, and then close them. You do not need to actually complete the silver offers you click in order to receive credit.
8. You may now go back to CashCrate and click ˇ°submitˇ± for the offer. Then you just wait to receive credit! CashCrate 's official word on how long it can take to receive credit is that it can take ˇ°up to two weeks,ˇ± but in reality, you will usually receive credit within a few hours to a few days at most.
9. I recommend doing the 100% FREE offers at first. Only later, and only if you feel comfortable, should you try any of the handful of trial offers available. Unlike a lot of similar sites, on CashCrate it is absolutely possible and EASY to make good money with just the free offers.

All of the ˇ°100% FREEˇ± offers really are 100% free. Many new members misunderstand what they are being asked to do at first, and think these offers are asking them to buy things or sign up for trials, but you will never, ever have to spend any money to do the free offers!

Most members feel it's best to pace yourself, since allowing too many offers build up in ˇ°Pending Offersˇ± seems to slow, or even halt, the credit process. They seem to credit quicker if you do them at a comfortable pace.

Although CashCrate says that offers can take up to two weeks to credit, the reality is that most of them credit within a few hours to a day. If an offer doesn't credit you within 48 hours or so (which will happen occasionally, for whatever reason), it might be a good idea to redo it. In the ˇ°Membersˇ± area, in the gray box in the center of the page where you choose how you want to sort your offers, there are links for ˇ°Pending Offersˇ± and ˇ°Completedˇ± offers. Click ˇ°Pending Offers,ˇ± and choose to ˇ°Removeˇ± any offers that you would like to redo. This will put them back into your main list of offers.



Daily Surveys are actually kind of fun, and they give you a chance to tell companies about your tastes in everything from food to movies to electronics, and everything in between. You'll also get to see soon-to-be products, commercials and movie trailers, and give your opinion on them. If you take advantage of these, you'll definitely add to your monthly earnings. I make about $25 a month from Daily Surveys alone.

1. In the ˇ°Membersˇ± area, look at the gray box where you would usually choose how to sort your offers. Click the the ˇ°Daily Surveysˇ± tab, and then the ˇ°Goˇ± button. You will have 2 Daily Surveys available for you each day, which are worth $.80 each.
2. Fill in any info they ask for, and you should be matched up to a survey.
3. If it says you don't qualify for the survey, it just means you didn't fit into the group they were looking for to complete their survey. Unlike the ˇ°yesˇ± ˇ°noˇ± ˇ°skipˇ± offers, these are actual questions, and oftentimes, they are looking for people of a certain age, race, income level, etc. to complete them. If you don't qualify for the first one you tried, keep trying until you do qualify. There is usually a button provided that says something like ˇ°Try another survey?ˇ± or ˇ°Try qualifying again?ˇ± You will still get credit if you take one of these subsequent surveys. Not everyone will be able to qualify for both surveys everyday, but keep checking back and trying again. I personally qualify for an average of 1 per day. I usually make around $25 a month with Daily Surveys alone.
4. You'll automatically be credited once you've successfully completed the survey. It can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 24 hours, but you WILL receive credit. Surveys taken on weekends will usually credit on the following Monday.
5. These are worth $.80 each, and can be both be done once every 24 hours. Make sure to take advantage of the Daily Surveys! You can easily earn $15-$40 a month with just these alone.


If you have any questions on offers or surveys, please leave a comment here and I'll answer your question directly! I would love to help!